Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Progress.....I think

My Y membership is coming along. I try to go 3-4 times a week. I do the circut (think curves) for 35 minutes or so...and then the treadmill for 20 minutes or so..and 10 minutes of stretching, crunches and other strength exercises. Can I see it working...not yet..I hate my belly..I have leftover baby jiggle. I was investigating a Belly band of somesort to hold it all in/sweat it off.....well..I can't find much about them. I guess I will keep plugging along. Someday. My eating habits have Changed the most. I am not longer eating Fast food (3 months I think..I can't remember the last meal at one)...unfortunately I need to eat more as I have really cut out what I eat. I skip meals..I know this is bad, it's a bad old habit I need to change..You have to eat to lose. DARN IT! I have been told that I am losing, but this past weekend My Grandma took two very unflattering pic's of me..and it was all I saw!! A flubby belly and face..YUCK!!! So I quickly deleted them and hope that in a few months I wont baulk at pic's. That is all for now. I have not forgotten..just have been busy.

1 comment:

  1. just make sure you leave some pictures. Its important. :) HUGS! You are making good progress at a lifestyle change, and THAT is whats important.
